The Diary for 2020

Throughout the year we undertake events around the North West to raise money for the Squadron. These events are important because the funds enables cadets to participate in additional activities that are not supported directly by the Air Training Corps, we also buy much needed equipment for the Squadron. Keep an eye out for some of the exciting things we will be doing this year.

Adult Helpers

Many of the events you see below require adult help and supervision. If you are willing to get involved with the squadron, lend a few hours and support your child at these events, let the Staff know, it will be a massive help. 

March 29th (Sunday) 2020

Oulton Park Duathlon

We will travel to the event in the minibus. We will meet at Squadron at 7.45am and travel to Oulton Park. We eat breakfast (provided) and the event starts at 9.00am finishing at 4.00 - 4.30pm. As well as a breakfast voucher we receive a lunch bag. You may want to bring some additional goodies. Dress for this event is Greens.-  We need 13 - 15 for this event

This is a regular event for the Squadron, we are always praised for our dedication and commitment on the day.

April 5th (Sunday) 2020

Manchester Marathon

We will travel to the event in the minibus. This is a very early start but well worth getting up for. Its a fantastic day. More details to follow.

This is a regular and very popular event for the Squadron.

May 16th - 17th (Saturday-Sunday) 2020

Nantwich Triathlon

Saturday will be from about 11.15am until about 2.00pm. (so we will meet at Squadron at 10.45am)

This is a children's event and will be centred around the Barony Park. We need 10 Cadets for the Saturday

Sunday will be from 7.15am until about 3.00pm. (so we will meet at Squadron at 6.45am)

This is an adults event and we will be stationed at the swimming pool and the Barony Park. We need 15 - 20 Cadets for the Sunday

This is a new event for us, we are please to be involved because its local to out Squadron. Dress will be Greens, Catering TBA

June 14th (Sunday) 2020

Whitchurch Quarter Triathlon

More details to follow:

July 17th - 18th (Friday-Saturday) 2020

Nantwich Show

This is a bit different this year because its over two days. More details to follow:

September 4th - 6th (Friday-Sunday) 2020

Nantwich Food Festival

More details to follow:

October 4th  (Sunday) 2020

Oulton Park Duathlon

More details to follow:

October 11th (Sunday) 2020

Manchester Half Marathon

More details to follow: