Wing Field Day is probably one of the most important days in the calendar for Cadets in Cheshire and Staffordshire. Squadrons from around the Wing come together to compete in this prestigious competition.

The event is held every year at  MoD Stafford 4 site, and celebrates everything to do with the Air Training Corps in various activities including:

  • Aeromodelling
  • Aircraft Recognition
  • Banner Drill
  • Drill Competition
  • First Aid
  • Media Competition
  • Radio Communications
  • Shooting

For new or experienced Cadets it is a fantastic day, it brings the Squadron together in friendly competition against other Squadrons and give the opportunity to display their ability both on and off the parade square.

Many Cadets have made lasting and valuable friendships with people from other squadrons and gained a fantastic knowledge from watching others compete. We hope to do well this year and Staff and NCO's have been working behind the scenes to get together the very best teams to represent 100 (Nantwich) Squadron. This is one of those events where we would like a 100% turnout. Competition for places on the teams are very strong but we will still need volunteers to support the the Squadron on the day. Adult volunteers are also needed, so if you have always wondered what the Cadets get up-to when they are at Squadron now is your chance to see, let a member of staff know if you are available.

Please put the date in your diary, its going to be a fantastic day!

Click on the link below to download the current list of participants for the 2020 Wing Field Training Day. This list will change. If you want a place on the team, now is the time to impress.